TPNA Newsletter,, and Yahoo Group
The Tiffany Park Neighborhood Association newsletter is published two or three times per year and contains information of interest to residents. Typical subjects are announcements of events and work parties, solicitation for and benefits of becoming a supporting member, volunteerism, neighborhood services provided by the City, helpful hints, safety issues, crime, and advertising. A paper version is hand-delivered to homes. An electronic version is posted on this website under "Records." Advertising in the newsletter is available to anyone. These rates for ads were established by the Steering Committee in April 2018: --- One line (sentence) of text: free to everyone. --- Business card: $25 for supporting members; $37 for everyone else. ---Quarter page of text: same rates as for business card. (Last revised on June 7, 2018) |
NEXTDOOR.COM is a website that acts like a bulletin board for a neighbor-hood, and enables members to reply to messages posted there. Messages typically do one of the following:
To help you understand how to join, the TPNA has created a generic description of the sign-up process. It does not necessarily cover all aspects of sign-up and might not match the process exactly, but it's a good starting point. It was current as of July 2017. |
We used to use a tool called a Yahoo Group to inform residents of neighborhood-related issues. It was an electronic mailing list: send a message to the group and it went to everyone who subscribed to it. Its function is better performed by We ceased using the group in 2019. (Last revised on June 25, 2020) |