Boundaries of the Neighborhood
The neighborhood's boundaries are: On the NORTH: SE Royal Hills Drive to and including Lake Youngs Way SE On the EAST: Pierce Avenue SE to SE 19th Court On the SOUTH: 116th Avenue SE up to but not including SE 157th Street, Edmonds Way SE up to but not including SE 157th Street, Kirkland Avenue SE to the pipeline (Kirkland Avenue SE ends at the pipeline) On the WEST: 116th Avenue SE (from SE 157th Street) up to Royal Hills Drive. A more detailed description of the boundaries is available. Within those boundaries are the homes of the Tiffany Park Homeowners Association and Ponderosa Estates and everything in between. It also includes the former School District property southeast of Tiffany Park (and between the two water pipelines owned by Seattle Public Utilities). That 22-acre property is being developed to hold 94 houses and is called "Allura at Tiffany Park." During the planning phase it was called "The Reserve at Tiffany Park.." All street addresses of the Association's area are described separately. (Last revised June 7, 2018) |